Nederlands Intermediate 3

Voor wie bedoeld?
Intermediate 3 is het logische vervolg op de cursus Intermediate 2. Ook studenten die al langer in Nederland wonen, en daardoor zelfstandig de grondslagen van het Nederlands hebben geleerd, kunnen instromen in een cursus voor gevorderden. Ideaal voor cursisten die hun kennis van de Nederlandse taal willen verdiepen. In de cursussen voor gevorderden wordt de woordenschat aanzienlijk uitgebreid.
Handy to know before booking this course...
Lessons are taught completely in Dutch!
You can already speak some Dutch, so our aim is to immerse you in the language even more! You will slowly build an understanding of everything you hear and read, and it will encourage you to use the language as much as possible outside of the classroom also.
If you need your teacher to explain something in your own language / in English, then you are very welcome to ask them - make sure you ask them in Dutch!
Als je de cursus Intermediate 3 met succes hebt afgerond, kan je:
- Spreken over relaties en wat daarbij komt kijken;
- Op alle mogelijke manieren verwijzen naar wat je hebt gezien, gehoord of gelezen;
- Zinnen als 'Het geld wordt binnenkort overgemaakt.' correct gebruiken.
Course books are compulsory for this course - please ensure you order in time.
If you do not have your course book in time for the first lesson, don't worry, just inform us and we will email you the first few pages.
Beschikbare B1 Cursussen
Ece's ervaring (Dutch Absolute Beginners)
Urbanus's ervaring (Nederlands Beginners 4)
Shaf & Maaike's ervaring (Cambridge Proficiency)
Marco's ervaring (Cambridge Proficiency)
Michel, English student
"At CBE languages they have a team of very skilled and helpful teachers that resulted in me passing for my English C2-level exam"
Jiyoung, English student
"I have studied English for 3 years in CBE with lots of fun and joy. It was lucky for me to learn English from great teachers who have great teaching skills and rich experiences"
Amanda, Dutch student 2017
"Attended Dutch lessons here - welcoming, friendly environment with professional teachers. Made some great friends and recommend this language school over any other in Rotterdam!"
Sarah, teacher & student
"The warm environment, dedicated staff and overall general concern for the well-being of teachers, students and anyone who comes to CBE, set it apart from any other academy"
Majed, English students
"Wonderful school.The teachers are beyond nice and helpful and because of them my language abilities progressed noticeably"
Laura, Dutch student
"Fantastic establishment to learn. My husband and I needed to brush up on our Dutch skills and am so glad we found this school."
Beoordeling van de cursus Maiike Proficiency English
Dutch Beginners student
''Ik hou ervan om naar CBE te gaan omdat het niet alleen een Nederlands les is, het voelt als reizen naar andere plekken in de wereld door middel van de verschillende culturen. Bedankt voor dat CBE.''